Why Are You Fearful?


why-are-you-fearfulGrowing up in a pastor’s home I heard Bible stories all my life. If it wasn’t during family worship time in our living room at too-early-in-the-morning o’clock, it was in Sunday school, children’s church, or youth group. I remember listening to the stories of Jesus and His disciples and being very frustrated. The disciples all seemed so clueless to who Jesus was. The Son of God was allowing them to be a part of His time here on Earth and yet most of the time, they missed His purpose.

When Jesus taught about the Kingdom, they would fight over who was going to sit closest to the King. Children would try to see Jesus but they pushed them away because obviously a King has no time for littles! And then there was the time in Matthew 8:23–27 when they went out to sea and a storm came. Jesus was sleeping and His disciples were sure they were going to perish. Um, hello! I would always think. You’ve got the Maker of the Universe in your boat, I think you’ll be fine!

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It didn’t take very long as a growing Christian adult to realize that I was not any smarter than these men. Readily available at any time I have the Word of God before me either on my phone, computer, or bound book. I have the Holy Spirit living inside of me who wants to minister and work through me. He has changed my life and I have devoted mine to serve Him, yet when the chaos of life comes crashing in, I am convinced I will surely perish!

In Matthew 8:26, after the disciples woke Jesus up to save them He asked them, “Why are you fearful, O you of little faith?” He then rebuked the waves and the winds and just like that, everything was calm. When we focus on the world around us, the heartache and hardships this life brings, we do just as the disciples did, fear the worst.  Instead of imitating Him, we allow the test results, the wayward child, the difficult coworker, the financial burdens, etc., to overtake us.

Jesus was and still is so patient with His followers. He didn’t rebuke the disciples, He rebuked the waves and wind. He wants us to rest in Him. He wants to take on our burdens. He wants us to trust that even though we could surely perish, we won’t because the Maker of the Universe is in complete control.

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Sarah Fern

Sarah is the Media Content Strategist for The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry. She lives in the Knoxville, TN area with her husband, Martin, and their son.

One Comment on “Why Are You Fearful?”

  1. Thank you! I needed this reminder. I hadn’t paid attention in the fact that Jesus didn’t rebuke the fearful disciples but He rebuked the waves and wind that raged war against them. I kick myself for the littleness of my faith, but I must look up to Him who is merciful, all knowing and all powerful!

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