

  1. I support Israel in the land and Jewish people worldwide. They were and are Gods chosen instrument for worldwide redemption. Thank you Yeshua.

  2. Thank you for standing up to expose the insidious lie of Replacement Theology and the damage it is causing in evangelical churches. Believing that God has abandoned national Israel puts all of God’s promises to us in jeopardy. If God can revoke His eternal promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, why should we expect His promises to us today to be certain? How can we have faith in such a vacillating and arbitrary Lord? No, His promises are true; His word is settled. The nation of Israel is proof to all the world that God keeps His word. Israel is proof that we are chosen not on the basis of our intrinsic value to God or our obedience to Him, rather we are chosen simply by His grace. We are His people because the Lord (as with Israel) chose to love us in spite of our disobedience and unworthiness. May we live up to the high calling with which He has blessed us.

  3. Great series Ty! You put this crucial topic into a succinct and understandable way so that anyone reading it could grasp it. As a pastor, I am seeing and hearing how the “mood” of some in the church is shifting away from Israel. Continue to “hold fast” my friend!

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