Israel Isn’t Going Anywhere


The Educational, Scientific and Cultural branch of the United Nations (UNESCO) voted recently in favor of a resolution titled “Occupied Palestine.” The purpose of the resolution is to protect Palestinian culture in East Jerusalem, but in classic UN fashion, the resolution became nothing more than a diatribe against the State of Israel.

UNESCO’s move to preserve Palestinian culture is not a problem, but it comes at the cost. Biblical sites that are important to the Jewish community like the Temple Mount and Mount of Olives are called by their Islamic name in the resolution, robbing the Jewish people of their historic ties to Jerusalem. Shockingly, this resolution was adopted by an overwhelming 24 votes in favor of the resolution, 6 against, and 26 in absentia.

Here is a list of a few of the countries that voted in favor of the resolution: Qatar, Sudan, Pakistan, Oman, Lebanon, Egypt, Malaysia, and Iran. Are you seeing a theme here? The majority of member states who accepted the UNESCO resolution were Muslim countries with a political agenda against Israel. The resolution is so controversial even UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon criticized the language that only uses Islamic titles for holy places.

I think it’s time UNESCO and the UN establish a serious set of checks and balances that prevent itself from politicizing proven history.
The only member states of UNESCO that saw the toxic nature of the resolution were Estonia, Germany, Lithuania, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, and the United States.

The approval of “Occupied Palestine” shines a light on the anti-Semitic nature of UNESCO. How could an organization that seeks to build peace in the minds of men and women accept in full conscience a resolution that segregates the Jewish community by ignoring their historical and cultural ties to the Holy City of Jerusalem?

Truth about Israel is hard to come by in the halls of the United Nations. Could you imagine a UNESCO resolution that stated Christians never had any historical connection to the Vatican or Muslims have no association with Mecca? The very notion would never make it beyond a draft resolution. But, if you say that Jewish people have no historical connection to Jerusalem, that resolution could get passed by the very organization that was designed to protect it.

Removing the Jewish names to their holy sites is only the tip of the iceberg. The problem goes much deeper than that. The majority of Muslim countries that voted in favor of the resolution have something else in mind: They are out to delegitimize the State of Israel from having a presence in Jerusalem.

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Jerusalem is the unified eternal capital of the Jewish people––you cannot disprove that! It’s not only written in the Bible, which pre-dates Islam by more than a 1,000 years, it’s been proven archaeologically. We have physical proof that Jewish people have had a long, enduring presence in the city of Jerusalem.

I think it’s time UNESCO and the UN establish a serious set of checks and balances that prevent itself from politicizing proven history. It’s time for the UN and all of its different branches to root out this blatant anti-Semitism that seeks to slowly re-write history in hopes that maybe one day Israel will just disappear.  Because the truth is, Israel isn’t going anywhere!

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Chris Katulka

Chris Katulka is the director of North American Ministries for The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, the host of The Friends of Israel Today radio program, a Bible teacher, and writer for Israel My Glory magazine. He is also the author of Israel Always: Experiencing God’s Pursuit of You Through His Chosen People. If you would like to support Chris, please click here.

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