Faithful Friends of Israel—and Jesus


Stuffing the last bite of roast beef sandwich into my mouth, I tried to keep in step with the rest of our group on the crowded sidewalk. I gingerly balanced my box lunch on one arm and, with my free hand, waved my thanks to the wall of police cars lining the streets near the National Mall in Washington, DC. I appreciated their presence there at the largest pro-Israel rally in American history. Due to the sudden increase in worldwide antisemitism, including a 400% increase in the United States, the threat for national security was at its highest on Tuesday, November 14, the day of the rally.

Becky Meissner (left) and Amy Hansen (right) at the pro-Israel rally in Washington DC.

Ever since that awful morning on October 7, 2023, when Hamas perpetrated one of the most heinous massacres in Jewish history and carried away hundreds of hostages from southern Israeli communities into Gaza, the world’s antisemitic hatred has boiled over on college campuses and city streets at pro-Hamas rallies. At these rallies, voices screeched for genocide of Jews while burning flags, physically attacking Jews, tearing down Israeli hostage posters, and lauding Hamas’s abominable acts of terror. 

Any fear I had that morning as a Christian friend of Israel and the Jewish people soon gave way to courage and camaraderie when our small group merged into a mass of nearly 300,000 strong. Wading into a sea of blue and white, I smiled at the groups of Jewish students and families, synagogues, churches, and pro-Israel organizations. The diversity within the unity was profound, but the unified cry of Am Yisrael Chai! infused the atmosphere with peace, courage, hope, and life. Yes, the people of Israel live!

The diversity within the unity was profound, but the unified cry of Am Yisrael Chai! infused the atmosphere with peace, courage, hope, and life.

After squeezing my way through the security fence and onto the mall area, I waited for the rest of my group to come through and join me. I held my sign, which read the same as my blue T-shirt: “Christians Stand With Israel.” Thousands walked past me as I stood off to the side of the main thoroughfare. 

My eyes met with a middle-aged woman who mouthed the words, “Thank you.” Compassion filled my heart as I said, “It’s my pleasure. Am Yisrael Chai!” I soon felt a hand on my shoulder and heard a voice saying, “Excuse me. Could I get a picture with you?” A Jewish man had wanted a picture with a Christian friend of Israel. This kept happening over and over again—pictures, smiles, thanks, and hugs. 

There was an unspoken understanding among those who risked attending a march against antisemitism under the highest level of security threat. This was our Esther 4:14 moment, standing bravely with Israel “for such a time as this.” We were no fair-weather friends. We would stand, cry, shout, and sing together—both in good times and hard times. 

Created for Community

When He created the first human, God declared that it was not good for man to be alone (Genesis 2:18). The crown of God’s creation, humanity, was designed for companionship. God created people, male and female, in His own image and commanded them to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. We were created for community. 

In difficult times, when hate and disunity seem to rule this world, we are tempted to think it would be good to be alone. Maybe hiding out alone in the mountains, surviving off the land, with a compass, an espresso machine, and a dog really is the best way, we suppose. But that’s not God’s purpose and plan for us.

Friendliness: The Key to Making Friends

Proverbs 18:24 reads, “A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.”

True friendliness culminates in sharing truth.

Jesus exemplified friendly behavior with others by asking questions, listening, speaking truth in love, and healing. He attracted multitudes with His great acts of compassion. His love and care were genuine. Many responded to His friendliness, and yet Jesus had an inner circle of friends with whom He prayed, cried, and shared everything He had received from His Father in heaven (John 15:15). 

I stood at the rally with a few of my inner-circle friends, colleagues from The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, who shared my Christian beliefs and biblical convictions. We stood resolutely by a large banner that read, “Bring Them Home Now,” referring to the hostages held in Gaza. A Jewish woman came out from under the banner and said, “Would you please help us hold up this banner? Please, please, everyone, please help us hold this banner.” 

We grabbed an edge and held it high. Across from me stood a 12-year-old Jewish boy. We smiled at each other as we held the banner and felt our arms grow tired. Love, hope, and solidarity supported our message. True friendliness culminates in sharing truth (1 Peter 3:15). 

Faithfulness: The Key to Keeping Friends

Gratitude, grace, and grit describe every faithful friendship I have known. Words of appreciation and affirmation flow in the friendship of deep, lovingly loyal companions. These types of friends will clothe themselves with humility and grace. They are quick to forgive and not hold grudges. They will stand by you in times of storm, illness, poverty, persecution, and war so that you will not have to face your troubles alone. The faithful friend is willing to sacrifice for your life and well-being (John 15:13).

Seeing Jesus is at the heart of being a faithful friend to Israel and the Jewish people.

Seeing Jesus is at the heart of being a faithful friend to Israel and the Jewish people. Would you get a bottle of water for Jesus to drink if He were thirsty? Would you bring food to Jesus if He were hungry? The Jewish Messiah, King Jesus, the Son of Man, will one day say to the nations, “Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren [the Jewish people], you did it to Me” (Matthew 25:40).

To me, it’s as simple as this: Would you be a faithful friend of Jesus? Then, be a faithful friend of Israel.

About the Author
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Becky Meissner

Becky is a former Field Ministries Representative for The Friends of Israel.

3 Comments on “Faithful Friends of Israel—and Jesus”

  1. Amen & then some! My husband & I too are standing with Israel as she fights her battle of good against Evil in the Hamas War that was brought against them!

  2. I went to the rally with the Jewish Federation of So Jewish carrying my handmade “Christians Support Israel”. It was an honor. Call your Jewish acquaintenances & encourage them. Buy a support Tshirt & wear it. God bless & protect the Jewish people

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