Last Saturday night, Iran launched almost 200 unmanned suicide drones and more than 100 ballistic missiles into Israel. The strike was not a complete surprise. Iran tipped off many leaders worldwide about their plans to attack Israel in response to the strike on a building next to Iran’s embassy in Syria that killed Mohammad Reza Zahedi, the top commander of the Quds Force in Lebanon and Syria. It was later released that Zahedi played a significant part in the attacks in Israel on October 7, 2023.
Like many, I sat close to my phone on Saturday, checking for updates throughout the night. I watched the progress of the drones and the missiles launched soon after. Nothing seemed to prepare me for the sight of bombs being shot out of the sky over beautiful Jerusalem. I cried thinking of our ministry workers and other friends we partner with in Israel trying to sleep in bomb shelters that night. Psalm 121:4 came to mind immediately, “Behold, He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep” (NASB). How quickly I forgot who is sovereign over the nations!
I believe it is no mistake that the unprecedented attack on Israel has come around Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
I believe it is no mistake that the unprecedented attack on Israel has come around Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. This year, Passover begins at sundown on April 22, the 15th day of the month of Nisan on the Jewish calendar. All over the world, the Jewish people have started cleaning out their homes of leavened bread—a symbol of evil in their hearts— preparing to celebrate God delivering their people out of Egypt, “Now this day will be a memorial to you, and you shall celebrate it as a feast to the Lᴏʀᴅ; throughout your generations you are to celebrate it as a permanent ordinance” (Exodus 12:14, NASB). For 3,400 years, Jewish people have sat down to a meal with their families and celebrated Passover to remember the Lord, as He commanded.
Why Study Old Testament Feasts and Laws?
Sometimes, as Christians, we can look at the complexities of the Jewish feasts and laws and dismiss them. After all, we are now in the Church Age. However, skipping over these feasts and laws because we do not see their significance is a grave mistake. They are not simply Jewish. God is their Author, not man (although plenty has been added to them throughout the years). It is God who chose Abraham and his descendants as His chosen nation.
Learning about the feasts and laws gives a better understanding of who God is and what He views as important. It even gives us an understanding of end-times prophecy. For example, have you ever wondered why the Millennial Kingdom seems so Jewish? Because it reflects God!
God commanded the Jewish people to remember the Passover because He knows it is human nature to forget.
God commanded the Jewish people to remember the Passover because He knows it is human nature to forget. And isn’t it just like God to allow them to celebrate and remember Him through sitting down together as a family and eating?
There were three original elements God wanted present as the people of Israel celebrated the remembrance of the Passover: (1) a lamb—a reminder of the blood of the lamb on the doorposts, (2) unleavened bread—a reminder of leaving Egypt in haste with no time for their bread to rise, and (3) bitter herbs—a reminder of the hardships God delivered them from.
Jesus obeyed this command of Scripture too. His last meal before being crucified was the Passover meal, which included these elements, with His disciples. Wine, parsley, egg, fresh water, salt water, four cups, and more were added to the feast as years passed, each having significance. Friends of Israel theologian David Levy wrote a helpful article on the Passover and the meaning and symbolism of its elements that you can read here.
Christians often overlook Passover as we approach this significant holiday; after all, we celebrated Easter weeks ago. Nowhere in the New Testament does God command Christians to celebrate Passover. But the apostle Paul reminded us of our Passover Lamb who covered our sins: “For Christ our Passover also has been sacrificed” (1 Corinthians 5:7, NASB). We have been commanded to remember His sacrifice in the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper (11:17–34).
A Challenge for Christians
In the coming week, millions of Jewish people will celebrate Passover. Traditions are sweeter in times of war and hardships. I think of how Jewish people have celebrated this feast for thousands of years in tents, outside, and in times of brutal war and tremendous prosperity. This year, some may be celebrating in bomb shelters and safe rooms. No matter what, we know that God will preserve His people for His glory. God is not finished with the Jewish people.
I challenge you as Christians to spend Passover praying and perhaps even fasting for the Jewish people. Pray for safety, as many all over the world are experiencing antisemitism and feeling isolated. Pray for those in Israel who are defending their nation from enemies controlled by evil. Pray for Israel’s leaders as they decide the proper action towards their enemies. Most importantly, pray that during this time, God will open their eyes and the eyes of their enemies to the Messiah. We know where true peace is found: in the precious blood of the Lamb, Jesus.
4 Comments on “Let’s Pray for Israel This Passover”
This a very well written and thoughtful article. I very much enjoyed reading it Sarah.
This was extremely well written and both inspiring and insightful. Belonging to a liturgical church we share The Great Thanksgiving communion by saying as we partake of the elements “The body and blood of Jesus, the Lamb of God”; then as we break a wafer “Therefore let us keep the feast”. This article enriched the meaning of communion for me.
Thank you….I am for Israel and all Jewish people. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
Thank you, Sarah, for sharing your insightful thoughts about the importance of the Passover for our Jewish brothers and sisters, especially those who are celebrating the feast under the horrors of current events.
As Christians, we should remember the meaning of the Passover even though we’re not commanded to keep it as the Israelites were in days of old. I was reminded of the feast this evening after sundown because of the presence of a full moon, which our sovereign God created for the purpose of remembering the Jewish feasts in the Spring and Fall.