A Glimpse of Gog and Magog?

Tim MungerNews Surrounding Israel

Israel News

In Ezekiel 38-39 the Bible reveals a coming attack on Israel from “the north parts”(38:15). The country to the furthest north of Israel is Russia. Many Bible teachers, The Friends of Israel included, believe that this refers to Russia, including many Arab nations currently in alliance or support of Russia.

This alliance has gone by the name of The Northern Confederacy. It will come down on Israel in a concerted effort. Russia heads this coalition, followed by the second nation, Persia. Ethiopia, Libya, Sudan, and Turkey also join this alliance.

In recent days the following events have happened, giving a glimpse of this future alliance. Consider the following examples:

• Turkish President Recep Erdogan threatened to invade Israel over the war in Gaza.

• With Israel’s retaliation of killing Hezbollah’s leader following the attack that killed a dozen children in the Golan Heights, Iran has said it will bring “a strong retaliation” to Israel for his killing. Also, Iran has a meter running as to how long before Israel, the Zionist entity, will be destroyed.

• Finally, Putin has supposedly requested Iran to “avoid civilian casualties in retaliatory strike on Israel.”

With these statements, we see a glimpse of the future battle that God calls Gog and Magog. A battle that will defeat significant militaries that at this time threaten Israel, including Russia, Iran, and Turkey. Dear friends, your Bible is more up to date than your newspaper!

(Source: The Times of Israel)

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Tim Munger

Tim Munger is a Church Ministries Representative for The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry in the Detroit, Michigan area. Tim organizes and speaks at church conferences around the country.